Saturday, December 10, 2011

If you create an image from a cracked verison of cs does the image carry this information?

Limewire has a lot of cracked adobe photoshop software on there. If you download it and use it and create an image and post the image on a website can it be tracked down it's coming from a cracked verison?|||any thing or anyone can be found on the internet ya just have to know where to look|||I know that certain images, like those taken with a digital camera, can be opened in Photoshop and traced back to the camera model, F-stop used, etc. But as far as a software benchmark and validity of license?

I want to say no, but don't quote me on that.|||NO man it will not, %26amp; never.

its sempel lieke, When u wash ur cloth, but the washing mashing is stolen one, then ur cloth never say that. its same like that.

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